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  • The Notation Mixer is a Flash-based practice, jam, and teaching tool that synchronizes audio with music notation. It also includes an audio mixer with individual track pan and volume controls. This tool is a central feature of the Berklee PULSE Music Method, and is located in the Jam Room on the Berklee PULSE site.

    Notation Mixer v.1 was developed in 2006-2007. Notation Mixer v.2, released in January 2013, is the culmination of over two years of development based on user and developer feedback.

I. The User Interface: A Brief Look

II. The Navigation Bar

  • The transport controls playback and navigation of the Notation Mixer. Each button includes a keyboard shortcut for use without a mouse.

    Important note: In a Flash-based application like the Notation Mixer, you must be inside the Flash environment /window for the controls to operate and for the computer keyboard shortcuts to work. If the keyboard shortcuts do not work, you might be outside of the Flash window. Simply click anywhere inside the Notation Mixer window and the keyboard shortcuts should work.

  • The Loop Menu allows you to set loop points anywhere in a song. You can set loop points to loop an entire song, loop between rehearsal markers, or create your own custom loops.

    Important Note: The default setting for looping is usually set to off.

III. The Notation Window

V. Additional Help

  • Below is a complete list of the keyboard shortcuts. On the Loop Settings menu, Instrument menu and Information menu, you can use the arrow keys to scroll through the options/selections/items.
