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B. The Loop Menu

The Loop Menu allows you to set loop points anywhere in a song. You can set loop points to loop an entire song, loop between rehearsal markers, or create your own custom loops.

Important Note: The default setting for looping is usually set to off.

The Loop Settings Button

Click on the Loop Settings button or press the "t" key to bring up the Loop Settings menu. The Loop Settings menu includes a button that turns looping on and off and a list of all rehearsal markers in a song. The list in the "from" and "to" rehearsal markers is identical except for the first and last rehearsal markers.

Turning on Looping

Click on the Loop On/Off button next to the word "From" or press the "l" key to toggle looping on and off. The first time you turn on looping, the default is set is to loop the entire song, as shown in the above picture. You can create loops using rehearsal markers or create a custom loop using the measure number fields.

Creating Loops Using Rehearsal Markers

There are two ways to create loops using the rehearsal markers; with the computer's mouse and using keyboard shortcuts.

To create a rehearsal marker loop using the computer's mouse:

1. Select the rehearsal marker in the "From" list that marks the beginning of the loop. The top box in the rehearsal marker list displays the selected rehearsal marker, including its associated measure number.

2. Select the rehearsal marker in the "To" list that marks the end of the loop. The top box in the rehearsal marker list displays the selected rehearsal marker, including its associated measure number.

In the following example, the loop starts at PreChorus 1 (m. 17) and ends at Horn Soli 1 (m. 29).

The loop also displays in the timeline, as a green or shaded section of the timeline. See the next section “The Navigation Timeline” for more information about using the timeline.

You can also use your computer keyboard to create loops using rehearsal markers:

1. Press "t" to open the Loop Settings menu, and then press "l" to turn on looping.
2. Use the up/down arrows to scroll to a rehearsal marker in the "From" list, and then press return or enter to select a rehearsal marker. The top box in the menu/list updates to display the selected rehearsal marker.
3. Use the "right" arrow to move to the "To" list.
4. Use the up or down arrows to scroll to a rehearsal marker from the "To" list, and then press return or enter to select a rehearsal marker. The top box in the menu/list updates to display the selected rehearsal marker.

Important Tip: Using the keyboard for looping allows you to change loops or turn them off on the fly. For example, if you want to loop a phrase only 3 times and then continue on with the rest of the song, all you need to do is press the "l" key when you're finished looping and the song will continue!

Creating a Custom Loop

To create a custom loop:

1. Double-click on the loop measure number for the From menu/list, and type in the measure number that marks the beginning of the loop.

The top box in the rehearsal marker list displays “Custom Loop,” unless the measure number is also a rehearsal marker.

2. Double-click on the loop measure number for the To menu/list, and type in the measure number that marks the beginning of the loop.

The top box in the rehearsal marker list displays “Custom Loop,” unless the measure number is also a rehearsal marker.