The transport controls playback and navigation of the Notation Mixer. Each button includes a keyboard shortcut for use without a mouse.
Important note: In a Flash-based application like the Notation Mixer, you must be inside the Flash environment /window for the controls to operate and for the computer keyboard shortcuts to work. If the keyboard shortcuts do not work, you might be outside of the Flash window. Simply click anywhere inside the Notation Mixer window and the keyboard shortcuts should work.
Click the Stop button or press the "s" key to stop playback and rewind to the beginning of the song or loop starting point.
Click the Play button or press the "space bar" to pause playback. Press the space bar again to continue playback.
Click the Fast Forward button or press the "f" key to advance the song by one measure. Hold the button down to advance the song more quickly.
Click the Rewind button or press the "r" key to rewind the song by one measure. Hold the button down to rewind more quickly.
Clic the Next Rehearsal button or press the "n" key to advance the song to the next rehearsal marker. Note: Holding the button down will not advance more quickly.
Click the Previous Rehearsal Marker button or press the "p" key to rewind the song to the previous rehearsal marker. Note: Holding the button down will not rewind more quickly.`