June 2: New York, NY

Renaissance Youth Center 

Master Class at Renaissance Youth Center 

Lea Grace Hicks-Swinson
Samuel Joseph
Renaissance Youth Center student

About Renaissance Youth Center

Our mission is to empower at-risk inner city youth to fully maximize their potential as productive and responsible members of society, by offering dynamic, team-building education, music, and sports programs, while instilling the importance of building strong communities.

While our primary focus is teaching youth new skills, we also place strong emphasis in developing their social skills. We achieve this by mentoring youth, interacting with their families, getting involved in their educational goals, and engaging them in positive activities that support teamwork and community-building.

What we envision is a chance for a better life for all youth, regardless of their socio-economic background or ethnicity. We recognize that all youth are not afforded the same opportunities.

With this in mind, the concept behind all of our programming is to “level the playing field” for South Bronx youth by providing experiences geared to help them navigate through their uncertainty towards a rewarding future.

We are committed to being positive role models that guide youth in the right direction, giving them a degree of certainty and self-confidence that propels them to accomplish their goals.

CHECK YOUR PULSE Tour Gig at SOBs, New York City


Recording Session at Brooklyn's CRC Studios